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surf skills

What should I eat before a surf?

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It’s the worst thing when you paddle out, the waves are all-time and you get an attack of the hunger pangs. There has been many a time in colder climes when I have paddled out with a Snickers bar tucked up my wetsuit sleeve! So what should you eat before…

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Peaks N’ Swells guest Emily Bradbury wrote this post for her blog, Adventure Travel Mom, and gave us permission to share it here. There are a lot of reasons a bunch of moms hovering around 40 should NOT go to Costa Rica to learn how to surf. There are jobs to…

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How experimenting will make you surf better…

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 …”All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson So many people ride the same board day in day out. Whether that’s because it’s what the Pros are riding, because it looks cool under their arm (or in the car park) or maybe just…

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